Tait T2000 Programming Software V3 01 !NEW! Download Net
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If you are not using CHIRP, you can send the information to the manufacturer of the programming cable. With RS-232 Cable, please go here to find the information. With the programming cable that is provided with the programmer, please refer to the Users Manual or here to find the information.
Step 1. Make sure that the COM Port is assigned to the programming cable. If the COM Port you're using is different from the one assigned in the CHIRP settings, take a picture of the programming cable to confirm its assigned COM Port.
If you are using a PC or Mac computer, make sure you have your programming cable installed properly. Refer to the documentation you got from the manufacturer. If you do not have any documentation, refer to the instruction manual for your product.
Step 7. After clicking the Programming button, the device will be locked. The programming software will not allow the device to be unlocked until it has been unlocked by the programming key.
Step 8. If the device does not activate, you may need to flash the device with the latest version of the device firmware. Go to the Vtext Center and download the latest firmware for the device from the Vtext Center.
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