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In the crossover novel Ring of Fire, several characters from the 1632 series return, however, this does not include the protagonist Will Sherrill, who is killed in the first book. In the sequel Ring of Fire, one of the main characters is the mysterious Johann (the original 1632 protagonist, who was killed in the first book). In the other, the character of Johann is replaced by the figure of John Simpson. The novel Ring of Fire has two main plot lines which all the other novels in the series are built on: The first is the story of the return of Will Sherrill to 1632, and the second is the story of the fall of the League of Ostend, which is the major theme of all subsequent books. The second novel in the series, 1632: The Baltic War, takes place in the northern Baltic and in Stockholm. The Baltic War, a war fought between the League and Swedish forces, the latter of which are led by Gustavus Adolphus, is the sequel to the Baltic trilogy of novels. The last of the novels 1634: The Tiger of France (the first of the anthologies of the Grantville Gazettes), is a story about the Battle of Nöteborg in the Danish Campaign of the Thirty Years' War. It is set in Copenhagen on the battlefield where the League of Ostend was defeated in the Baltic War.
The first of the anthologies of the Grantville Gazettes is 1632: The Baltic War. The second, 1633: The Lands of the Eastern Czechs takes place in the lands of the eastern Czechs in the year 1633. 1633: The Lands of the Eastern Czechs was the first of the anthologies of the Grantville Gazettes to feature a large number of new characters. The third, 1634: The Great Slav Rising, introduces the new character of Marcus Wibault, and centers on his efforts to get his army of mercenaries into Poland. The fourth, 1634: An Autumn of Wives 827ec27edc