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const key[] = ''; Get-Cookie -path '%LOCALAPPDATA%' -domain '' -Expires 12/15/2011 -HTTPOnly; Remove-Item -Path %LOCALAPPDATA% -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
MSIL will use the injected JS script to download the %LOCALAPPDATArome path, and copy the Firefox extension data and Chrome extension data to it. The following will happen: - Firefox extension JS will inject the %LOCALAPPDATArome path. - Chrome extension JS will also inject the %LOCALAPPDATArome path. - Chrome extension data will be saved in %LOCALAPPDATArome. - Firefox extension data will be saved in %LOCALAPPDATArome. - If Get-Cookie having the cookie of origin domain (page) is present, check if it matches with a domain not yet taken. Try to download the Chrome extension with different options by querying for the cookie.
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