David Beetham Bureaucracy Pdf 13
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Bureaucracy is characterized by the special role of specialists. Bureaucrats, those involved in the administration of the state, are experts in an area of law, policy, or technology. For the public, bureaucracy is an administrative organization composed of experts who are specialized in particular activities and the rules and processes governing them. Bureaucrats know the rules and prefer the application of bureaucratic rules to the non-bureaucratic rules, while public authorities are usually more inclined to use non-bureaucratic rules. The higher the level in the hierarchy, the more the bureaucracy focuses on rules and processes.
The system of control should be effective and efficient, but also should not disturb the work of the bureaucracy or interfere with its autonomy. Bureaucrats can be very sensitive to external control, which may be an unwanted interference with their well-perceived role as experts. This may lead to tensions between the regime and the bureaucracy. Government agencies may be tempted to resist outside control if it interferes with their autonomy. The dilemma is aggravated when external controls are considered to be too frequent and intrusive.
Control from above: this refers to the organization, often through the top-down chain of command, where the bureaucracy is controlled by its superiors. This includes structures as well as informal hierarchies such as the “speaking for the government” and “speaking for the state” networks in international relations (see Chapter 4). This means that all levels of the bureaucratic hierarchy are under surveillance and, to a certain extent, can be punished. This control is exercised through both threats and rewards.
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