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Luckily, I was able to apply some greyhat methods to find a known issue with the generation of the salt in older versions of 1Password. The salt is generated based on a tag which is derived from the user's master password. This wasn’t correctly generated for the master password ‘password’ and the user accounts were left all vulnerable. The fix is to check for the existence of the ‘myinfo’ tag and then generate a proper salt for that.
The full salsa20 cipher uses 20 rounds of mixing. Variants of Salsa20with fewer rounds are possible, and the 12-round variant is specified byeSTREAM, see calls this variant salsa20r12. It uses the same contextstruct and key setup as the full salsa20 cipher, but a separate functionfor encryption and decryption.
Turns out that what had happened was an older version of 1Password had been installed (a version prior to 7.2) and those do not come with Hardened Runtime. Using 7.1.2 I was able to reproduce the behavior - several minutes after locking 1Password it still had the master password in memory, which I was able to dump on the computer.
Compared to other Android apps for support, 2Accounts provides a lot of support materials for users but not terribly easy to find with the free version. Premium Apps provide various accounts and user transactions directly within the mobile applications.
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