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It has been difficult to download video and pictures from someone's WhatsApp even if it is available on the smartphone. Technically the reason that we are not able to take a screenshot from our phone to capture it is because WhatsApp status is not a single android app but it is separated into several apps like WhatsApp, WhatsApp Messenger, and WhatsApp Web. This makes it a bit difficult to handle and still must be opening several apps simultaneously. This article explains how you can download WhatsApp status in your device.
First of all download WhatsApp Messenger - Google Play . Open it and go to the apps that are there to download. In the WhatsApp messenger it is present under “My Apps” option. Tap on it and search for WhatsApp Web. After that go to SETTINGS and tap on Access from another device. Then turn on the Access entire chat History and Access entire chat History for everyone. Go to Settings and choose text size of WhatsApp text and it is automatically turned in small. Call now in your mobile phone, you can see someone else WhatsApp and then click on the text. The screenshot of their WhatsApp will open in the PC so you can choose what you want to do then you can open WhatsApp in your mobile.
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