School Of Money By Olumide Emmanuel Pdf Free
3 50 COMMON MONEY MISTAKES How many money mistakes have you committed, been involved or committed? Are you ready to be free of all your money mistakes so that you can live a life of financial freedom, luxury and success? Use the guidelines below to identify and analyze each of your financial mistakes: 1) Do you make frequent money mistakes the ones that you find hard to recover from? 2) When you make your money mistakes and go ahead and take on the challenges, it will physically damage your mind, body and spirit. 3) If you are not responsible for your mistakes, then someone else is! 4) Each of us has a past, some of which has affected your finances. It is never too late to get out. 5) How did your money related mistakes help increase your wealth? If your money related mistakes have helped you have a better life, then do them again, but this time, commit no more. 6) Look at your finances through the eyes of your children, friends, relatives and employers. DO YOU 100
2 5 GOALS OF THE SCHOOL OF MONEY Webster defines Financial Education as a course of instruction which is intended to improve the knowledge of a person or to widen the scope of the understanding of a subject or area of study. It is more than just the knowledge of the subject s TRS that an individual is supposed to get in school. It also is about learning the rules of the business world and the financial world. When you have a divine understanding of the dynamics of finances, you will be able to make more wealth and be financial independent. The school of money is meant to equip you with this divine understanding of the dynamics of finances. Hence, in the biblical sense, it is your school. Some people ask me, "Why the School of Money?" They say that some people know nothing about money and live below the poverty line. This presentation is based on my discussions with people who have successfully changed their financial situation from poor to rich. 3 d2c66b5586