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The game, which can be played with up to 7 players, is set inside the fictional coastal hamlet of Arkham in 1920s Massachusetts. After a set-up phase, the Investigators start their quest by raiding the hidden cache of an Evil cult in the Far West, together with heroes like the Poughkeepsie Wonder Man, Ventrue Vampire, Harlequin, Iron Hill Delinquent, and others. After that, they go on to uncover the secrets of a new cargo cult to the south-eastern United States where there are three subplots: the cult of Cthulhu and the Elder Things is proselytizing in an Indiana town, a cult of Harpocrates is practicing on the coast of a brooding Caribbean island, and a vile Galilean cult located in the heart of a small city named Arkham (using some weird ritual involving dead cats). After summing up the events of the day, the investigators buy supplies and embark on their next task which comprises of a mix of adventure and deduction. Eventually, they will fight mighty foes of cosmic power quite beyond the skills of the gang of common men and women snooping around in the sleepy city of Arkham. All the while, they will have to deal with a few personal dilemmas and unravel some truly shocking mysteries.
So what is Witchbane Sanctuary? Essentially, it is a campaign for Arkham Horror. I have created this campaign which was an ongoing source of campaign ideas, which I have used to play once a month over the past year. The campaign uses, but is not limited to, a scenario such as the Tiny Hut from the Creepy Crate or the Seeker at One Up card from the Thing in the Pond Deck which can be used for inspiration. Most of the basic example is included in the campaign, however, there are many extra plot elements included. These include the Cult of Harpocrates and the Cthulhu Mythos, each of which has its own story and adventure. d2c66b5586