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The course is organized as follows: Course outline; Theory and practical Monte Carlo; MCNP Monte Carlo; Monte Carlo for applications; Monte Carlo methods in high energy physics; Monte Carlo methods for medical physics; Monte Carlo codes Geant4 and MCNP. These lectures will cover the principles of using Monte Carlo methods and the applications of Monte Carlo in nuclear physics, theoretical background, simulations and applications.
The course is directed towards both novices and experienced Monte Carlo users. The course will cover the theoretical principles, statistical aspects, and practical aspects of Monte Carlo methods, such as that of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The course will provide participants with a comprehensive view of the Monte Carlo methods, including an introduction to the most important Monte Carlo codes, such as Geant4 and MCNP, and practical information on real applications of Monte Carlo methods.
All the lectures in this course will be given by members of the Monte Carlo community. All are invited to take part in this course, including beginners who would like to better understand the fundamentals of Monte Carlo methods and applications. The course will cover theoretical aspects of Monte Carlo methods, and practical aspects of simulations and applications. The course will consist of short lectures and will include several examples of Monte Carlo codes, such as Geant4, and examples of simulations of applications, such as radiotherapy and nuclear safety. The lectures will be given by scientists working in the field.
The Fortran 90 AMPX Master Libraries are a collection of source code and object-code files that contain data to be used for the reproduction and modification of the PENELOPE master code in the Fortran 90 AMPX format. The files used in the compilation of the AMPX libraries are contained in two directories: distribution (reproduced in full in the distribution files) and development (modified in the main directory). This compendium of libraries was designed to facilitate the distribution of PENELOPE to other users.
This is a convenience kit and not the final distribution. The final distribution will include object-code for the Fortran 90 AMPX libraries. Only Fortran 90 AMPX libraries are included in this release. The libraries are not checked for portability by the AMPX compiler, but we recommend that users of Fortran 90 AMPX libraries check the library for portability before making permanent changes.
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