Inorganic Chemistry 3rd Edition Housecroft And Sharpe Torrent
This book should prove most useful to those who must master the inorganic chemistry of colloidal, inorganic, inorganic salts, inorganic acids, inorganic borates, and their properties. To fully understand these topics, it is necessary to include a minimal amount of chemistry, inorganic or otherwise, to cancel out the necessary preparatory chemistry.
The preface has been revised to take into account some of the criticisms leveled at the text. In general, we have tried to make the book as accurate and useful as possible. However, there will be errors, and we apologize for them. Please notify us of any defects you may have sensed in the book.
Chapter 2 provides a beginning introduction to the modern approaches to quantum mechanics, and it provides an excellent summary of the atomic elements, their properties, and their electronic structures. Chapter 3 follows with a discussion of intermolecular interactions, the only other chapter that provides a more general grounding in terms of molar properties. Chapters 4-19 follow, covering the elements from the alkaline to the alkaline earths. Chapter 2 is particularly important in the early chapters of the book as the reader is introduced to the basic structural features of borates, silicates, phosphates, arsenates, antimonates, beryllates, and arsenates. The anion-anion interactions are discussed in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 begins with the discussion of alkali metals and their cations, metals and the halogens, and inorganic compounds of sodium, potassium, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, and iron. Intermolecular interactions provide the platform for understanding the polarity, centration, and charge distribution within these compounds. Chapter 5 discusses the basic elements and their cations, while Chapter 6 covers the metals. Group VIII: the transition metals. Chapter 7 follows with an in depth discussion of the d-block elements, including the first row, second row, and first transition metals. These three are covered in detail in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 provides a discussion of bonding in the transition elements, how this bonding gives rise to the chemistry of these metals, and how we can illustrate their basic chemistry. Chapter 10 follows with the third row elements, the lanthanides, and Chapter 11 covers the C, P, S, Cl and F elements. d2c66b5586